
31 October, 2014

Hot Chicks of the Levant and the Palestine Problem, Never Again, Faith-Briefly, Fear, Ebola and Quarantine, MRSA, Hot Scientists, and the Cunning Fennec Fox

31 October 2014
0919 hrs

            I saw a kid with Down’s Syndrome this morning.  He said, -Hi, so I said –Hi, and then he said, -I love you.

            His mother- I assume that’s what she was- admonished him: -Remember, we don’t say that anymore.  I told her, -That’s okay . . . if he loves everybody then it evens out my own hatred for everybody.

`           That seems fair.

            Well, Patient Reader . . . Here we go again:

            What the motherfuck?  Are we seriously this screwed up? 

       So the Canaanites and Israelites are at it (still?) again. Mahmoud Abbas said that Israel's closing of the Temple Mount, AKA Haram-al-Sharif, to Palestinians is an act of war. Not to be ironic but, what the Jesus is NOT considered an act of war in illegally-occupied Palestine? 

By the way . . . Can you tell me which ones of these women are Hot Israeli Women and which are Hot Palestinian Women?

            Remember, Patient Reader, that Israel is the occupying force, not Palestine. They invaded the territory in 1948 after most of the developed countries involved in World War II, horrified and weary of that crazy Hitler's invasion of 

Czechoslovakia and then Poland, determined that the current geographic and political borders at the time will be forever resolute.

            (As a side note, I truly wonder if the US would commit a substantial military effort as a NATO member should there be renewed unrest in Europe today, as there is no oil to speak of in France. But that's a topic best saved for another time.)

       So Israel is born, and America and Britain, saying but three years earlier, "Never again . . ." Sit by and tacitly approve. 

       So the place where Muhammad ascended to Heaven, which is Islam's third-holiest site

 and is also the site of the rebuilt Solomon's Temple that was razed by the Romans (for the second time- the Babylonians did it first) in the first century- the Western Wall being the only part that remains, 

is now off limits to the people that have been there and stayed there for oh, perhaps ten thousand years.

            (Of course all you dipshit, sister-fucking Repub christians out there disagree with me because god gave the land to the Jews, not the Arabs . . . and Jebus won't come back until Zion is returned . . . blah blah FUCKING blah). 

       So all you crazy bastards, and I say that not in some ghastly Anti-Semitic manner that is the war cry of the century, but as a misanthrope; as I hate you humans one and all (except for you, Patient Reader; I know that you good folk are the only reason the world matters. The world is a terrible place and worth fighting for), well . . . for the rest of you,  Y'all just go ahead and kill yourselves off.

       Understand, I say the same thing about Catholics and Protestants, Hindus and the counterintuitively violent Buddhists of South Asia, and the same thing to Guatemalans and Hondurans and Mexicans who all find the need to kill one another. I say the same thing to New Yorkers and Texans and Floridians who shoot one another dead. Maybe if enough of you eliminate yourselves from our already fragile gene pool, then the shots will no longer ring out at night and I can finally motherfucking get a good night's sleep. Fuck!

       Om. Om. Om.

       So now what the fuck with Ebola, my favorite subject as of late?  Why are we going against science and locking away and quarantining people unnecessarily? 

       I'll tell you: it's the same reason our representatives voted away our rights with the Patriot Act; the same reason that the war criminals of the Bush Administration, including the top men, President Dick Cheney and VP Karl Rove and the Secretary of the Confused State, George Dubya.

       The same reason camps like Manzanar existed in the early forties, when Roosevelt famously said, "There is nothing to fear but Fear itself, oh yeah, and a bunch of slant-eyed Americans that had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor-they just look different and therefore ARE different which really means inferior." Yeah, news editors cut that down to a more manageable mouthful.

            The reason? Well, FEAR. Sorry, Franklin but you were so wrong. There is something to fear . . . somethings, as a matter of fact: the Unknown . . . Change . . . Pussy- it's such a mysterious and magical creature, right? Like a unicorn or a compassionate Republican.

       It is at least somewhat heartening to see how we as a species have progressed and evolved since then. How the last seventy years have allowed us to become a tolerant society, and how we have never judged another by his or her appearance again . . .

            Oh wait. That wasn't us. Son of a bitch.

       So it's fear that tells us to forget science. Forget that we know there is a 21-day incubation period for Ebola, and that patients are not contagious while they are asymptomatic. 

       Forget that we know how to prevent getting infected ourselves. Forget that washing our hands with hot soapy water is step number one, and always the most important. See, we touch our faces nearly 3000 times a day. That's three times a minute; 90 times an hour; 16 hours a day. . .

            I'm not talking about splashing hot water and a squirt of soap and rinsing it all off. You don't even have to use that bullshit antibacterial soap, either. Anti AB soap is way the wrong stuff for viruses, anyway- remember?

       Nope, regular old Ivory soap and the hottest H2O you can stand. And you can't just hover hunched over the sink rubbing your hands together. Turn the water off (to save water and to not feel so rushed to rinse). Wash your hands, wrists, fingers, fingertips, nails and under your nails thoroughly. That whole thing about singing the alphabet song to time yourself is a good one, as long as you go a little slowly. Turn the water on again, wash the faucet hand again and then turn the faucet off with a paper towel or equivalent. Dry your mothereffing hands.

            If you're in a public restroom, use the automatic door opener or a paper towel to open the door.

            Why?  I'll fucking tell you why.

       All of us humans carry a nasty bug called Staphylococcus Aureus. Ever hear of a staph infection?  That's the "staph" in staph infection.

       So we humans carry these critters- every one of us- and we carry them where it's nice and warm and moist. Like inside our nasal passages. And by our Naughty Bits.

            Yes, we carry staph in our groins. In our pubic area where warmth and moisture kinda make it all worthwhile.  Know what I'm saying?

            Ordinarily, the rest of our biota down there keeps the evil bugs in check.  But every once in a while, we get a little run down, or the outside of us is better prepared for staph than the inside of us, where something such as an open sore, scratch or the like introduce it internally.  If our immune systems are not up to snuff at these times, then . . . well, hilarity ensues.  Flesh-eating bacteria . . . MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus- the really bad shit . . .).   

       So think of some fucking scuzzbucket who handles his junk, all the while smearing his own brand of staph all over those hands that have been doing who the fuck knows what else, then just zips it up, straightens his shirt, and grabs that door handle.

       Then think about what happens next- your nice, clean, good-smelling hands grabbing dude's junk bugs. Then think about touching your face three times a minute. There you go.  Now you get me.

       Another good rule to follow?  If it’s wet and did not originate from one of your own orifices, don’t touch it.  Pretty basic, right?  You’d be surprised.  Maybe. 

       Anyway, because we are afraid, we forget our wits. We lose touch with our science; we forget that we are the only species that has figured a lot of this out.  We revert to the lissencephaly that makes crocodiles flee thunder.


       We isolate those who have treated patients with Ebola, whether they show symptoms of exposure or not. We point at and vilify anyone who has seen an Ebola patient in person, whether they are symptomatic or not.

              The recent story of the nurse in Maine who said, -Fuck you, I’m spending time with my family and I am hanging out with my friends, etc . . . that is a real health care worker.  Someone who understands science and is not part of the panic machine.

            Kaci Hickox, Hero Nurse:

                A few days ago I heard someone say, -Don’t worry about catching Ebola; it only lives for 6 seconds outside the body.  What the Motherfuck, once again, patient reader.  Technically, viruses don’t live at all.  They have no DNA and cannot reproduce on their own.  Sure, they’re fragile creatures, but certainly more hardy than bacteria when it comes to actual mechanical destruction.  Nevertheless, they can “survive” on a moist and warm surface for several hours . . . some even a few days.  This next is direct from the CDCp:

Ebola is killed with hospital-grade disinfectants (such as household bleach). Ebola on dry surfaces, such as doorknobs and countertops, can survive for several hours; however, virus in body fluids (such as blood) can survive up to several days at room temperature.”

       So bleach, as always Patient Reader, is our friend.  All hail and long live bleach.  And wash your fucking hands.

       It’s just this sort of misinformation and downright idiocy that causes such panic.  Sure, his 6-seconds thingy was optimistic, yet cavalier in its . . . wrongness . . .  please people.  Let’s round these fuckers up and put them in some “Relocation Centers . . .” Jebus Fucking Christ I am just kidding . . .

       But this is why we need to educate.  Learn something new every day . . . at least one thing.  If not, then the day is lost and the chance for learning some facts is gone and you’ll never get that back again.  So let’s get our shit together, please?

       Except for you, Patient Reader . . . I already know your feces is gathered into organized piles and filed accordingly . . .

       So I am off to photograph some historic homes in some historic district nearby.  I wish you all a pleasant Samhain, and hope I haven’t put some of you off by the dearth of postings as of late.  This is the first chance I have had in weeks.

       Y’all be good, and come back, now . . . y’heahh?  Oh, and . . . wash your fucking hands.


The Cunning Fennec Fox