
14 July, 2014

LIKE, Football Injuries, Pinstripes, 5000 Year-Old Rivalry, Hot Israeli Soldiers and the Cunning Fennec Fox

14 July 2014
0712 hrs

Good Morning Good People, My Patient Readers . . .

            I am supposed to be studying 
for my Exam today; a weekly thing that exhilarates and terrifies all at the same time . . . yet here am I, filling you in on the events I gathered into my life over the weekend.

(c) Properfessor

            There is someone in my life 
with whom I have an intense Like (isn't she a doll?); I would use the other word for it if I did not feel about that word the way you, Loyal Patient Reader, knows I feel. 

            As you know, I have been neck-
deep in this terrible funk; this miasma of despair, and I swear to the Is that had it not been for her and my friend Shmanthony, I would have dunked my head below the surface willingly.

            He is my loyal friend and I am 
his, and our friendship, though just under four years old, has been between us for our lifetimes.

            I have been nurturing this other
 . . . caring . . . for a while now, and as you know have barely spoken of it until now.  I do not believe in love and yet . . . I wonder . . .

            She has her own doubts, of 
course, the biggest being that there is no one in my life from whom she can learn about me.  I am estranged from my siblings, and my parents are dead.  I am alone in this world except for a handful of friends . . . 7, to be exact . . . 7, my lucky number; my favorite number.

            She has friends and family
 whom she has known her entire life, and so she has a resume’, a curriculum vitae of sorts . . . if you will.  I can reference this information at any time and for any point in her life.  She has parents and two sisters and cousins and a shit-ton of friends . . . I have none that have known me for that long.  

            I grew up on Air Force bases, if 
you recall, Patient Reader.  We moved an average of every six months.  I went to 21 different schools before I turned 16 years old.  Making friends was easy; keeping them, impossible.  So making friends in the first place was pointless, as I waved good-bye to them so frequently.

            And this woman is 
apprehensive due to this point of fact.  I can't say as I blame her; she deserves to know what she's getting into, but there is simply nothing I can do about that.  I would hate to see our relationship end for such a reason . . .

            That’s all I really need to say for
 now; I do not want to jinx anything, you see . . . even though I believe that being superstitious is bad luck.  Keep your fingers crossed for me, Patient Reader!

            I have much else to say, so may 
I get on with it?  Splendid!

            Congratulations to Germania 
for winning the World Cup- y’all did a fine job, 

OK, Fucking OW!

collapsing with feigned injuries notwithstanding . . . 

            What the fuck are the Yankees doing?  Right before the All-Star break, y’all are shitting the bed?  Really?  Come on!

            Israel is bombing Gaza like there’s no tomorrow.  Palestinians are lobbing rockets into Israel . . . let us not forget, Patient Reader, that it is Israel that is illegally occupying Palestine.  We only support them because we, as a “christian” nation, believe that jebus won’t return until Solomon’s Temple is rebuilt.  Oh fa chrissakes . . .

            The Biggest problem is that the Dome of the Rock, 

is one of Islam’s holiest places in Jerusalem.  Holy Shmoly.  Let the Muslims keep it, man.  Let them have the peace and comfort provided them by such a beautiful and awesome place. 

            Now, before you Patient Readers Who Happen To Be of The Jewish Faith decide to freak out and call me an Anti-Semite, keep in mind that in reality, I eschew all religions personally, as they are man-made creations based on superstition.  But I begrudge no one their right to practice, so long as they don’t try to lay it on me or make their point through violent means.  Killing in the name of god is quite silly, after all. 

            So Israel, according to government figures available from 2010, was handed $2.8 billion, a figure provided by the Congressional Research Services.  Look closely at the graphic shown to see where else your Tax Dollars are going.  Time for me to write a strongly-worded letter to my congress representative . . .

            So the Israelis hate the Palestinians because the Palestinians want their homes back; homes that were taken over by Jewish settlers.  Tell me that, if foreign occupiers moved you out of your house by force, you wouldn’t come out of the shadows with a rock . . .  oh, and in a gesture of fairness, we gave Palestine just over $500 million.  Against $2.8 billion . . .

U.S. Made M-4 Assault Rifles

Nice Sunglasses

U.S.-Made F-16 Falcons in Israeli Air Force

Palestinian Uprising

            Yeah . . .  that seems fair . . .

            Well I have to get psyched for Psych, so I shall leave you to it.  I am sure I will get messages from both the Palestinian supporters and the Zionists, and I say bring it to me.  I can take it.  Just be fair and honest and for fuck’s sake, don’t be a hypocrite!


The Cunning Fennec Fox

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