
20 May, 2014

Methamphetamine Intolerance and the Cunning Fennec Fox

19 May 2014
0721 hrs

(c)  Properfessor

Good Monday, Patient Reader

Above is the ever-lovely Sarah, who make being a photographer so easy.  And fun.

            I want to get going on my rant this morning about fucking tweakers.  Yeah, you know who I'm talking about.  You fucking dipshit motherfuckers who burn your brains out on meth.  You noisy damn disinhibited pre-frontal cortex assholes who can’t seem to get your shit together, even long after you “get clean.”

            Now don’t get me wrong, Patient Reader.  I understand addiction and its role in the destruction of humanity. Beginning with the brain and its newly-established rewiring, all the way to the disintegration of our society.  Remember all, I wrestled with the bottle more than once in my own youth.

            But jesus, you fucking tweakers.  You just can’t seem to get your criminal mentality out of your head.  With your shattered moral compasses, 

you careen through the lives of others, making everyone your victim.  You steal from everyone who ever cared about you, and then you make no apologies.  You’re twitchy and loud and suffer from your oro-bucco-lingual movements brought on by the ingesting of the poisons someone cooked up in their bathtubs.  You stupid bastards.  

            I knew one of you dipshits who actually told the (12 Step) group I was involved with that he used pond water for a while to mix up his dope.  Why do you think they call it dope, anyway?  So you can have polliwogs and sepsis flowing freely into your body, relying only on the blood/brain (brain?  What brain?) barrier to keep you from dying?

  Your self-induced akinesia, you stupid fucks.  All of you should just hang up instead of taking the transmission apart in your living room, perched on the windowsill like a fucking pigeon, every bit as filthy, thinking someone is pulling up in the driveway while your banging the bejesus out of some under-aged girl you turned out for a “teener.”  You pieces of shit are no better than child-molesting pimps.

And don’t tell me you were, or even are, one of those conscientious meth cooks/dealers who wouldn’t sell to those kinds of cats.  How do you know what they did once they left your Breaking Bad double-wide?  And even if they didn’t commit the aforementioned atrocities, who knows what the next part of the chain did, those whom your trustworthy friends sold to?

 An ex GF of mine suffered through the loss of her daughter’s bikes, stolen from the storage unit in wherein they were stashed.  How do you explain to a ten and twelve year old that their prized possession was stolen so it could be sold and turned into intravenous junkie juice?

            You pricks broke in from the back, peeling away the corrugated steel and busting through the layers of plywood until you broke in.  Dipshits.

            One thing I know for sure:  y’all didn’t chew through the wall; y’all have no fucking teeth, you toothless-on-purpose dumb motherfuckers. 

            Worst of all, this happened back in ’06.  ’06?  WTF, right, Patient Reader?  Why would I still be so upset by an incident that happened several years and GFs ago?  Because you’re still encroaching on my lives, Tweakers, all these years later. 

            There’s the noisy, disrespectful bastard that lives in my apartment complex that keeps everyone up Fridays and Saturdays.  And I’m not talking until midnight; I understand the need to party.  I’m talking 0200-0300 hrs in the godforsaken A.M.

            The other night he was hollering at his next-door neighbor, waking up the block, calling him out, etc.  When I went outside to tell him to shut the fuck up, I already saw another neighbor of mine looking around the buildings with a baseball bat.  Finally, the idiot at hand showed up outside his apartment.  Blah blah blah- he says he’s getting tired of the Tweaking neighbors (like good grunge music and white supremacists, the Pac NW is the birthplace of the Idiot Tweaker Epidemic).  I tell him it’s bullshit, all this carrying on, and that he’s the only one I hear.

            Long story short (too late), he comes down to my apartment a few minutes later and tries to explain himself through my window.  After I tell him to shut the fuck up, as it was midnight-30, he decides to call me out.  So I got dressed again, and promptly accepted his invitation to come and kick his ass.

          Well, I suppose he wasn’t expecting it, and he became quite sincere and apologetic, trying to explain to me why he was such a stupid dick.

            I went back inside.

            You see, Patient Reader, I’m a very mellow guy, but do not confuse calmness and kindness for weakness.  Especially if you are a tongue-rolling, dyskinetic, pre-frontal-cortex damaged, self-induced, Parkinsonian-symptom-exhibiting, sociopathic narcissists.  You know, me, but in Junkie Tweaker mode. 

            So, as you can see, Patient Reader, due to interruptions, it took two days to get this one rant posted.  If I have time, I will post the next of many long and poignant rants later today.  Please check back later today in case this is the case.  Meanwhile, have a better day than yesterday.  And for all you Tweakers out there, put down the pipe or the syringe, pick up the pistol or shotgun, and blow those damaged brains out of your soft little crania.  You will, won’t you?  Splendid!

Later, Patient Reader.


The Cunning Fennec Fox