
28 December, 2013

Why Do You Say That I Am Mad? . . . and the Cunning Fennec Fox

28 December 2013

1338 hrs

Well, Dear and Patient Reader . . .

            Looks like Notre Dame beat the Scarlet Knights of Piscataway.  I myself was rooting for Rutgers, but oh well . . .  can’t win ‘em all.

            The Tarheels are beating Cincy . . .  

Anyway, if y’all wanted sports updates I suppose you’d be checking out ESPN, not the CFF blog, right?

I’m at my local library, the city library, I mean, and being a Public Library, it is a good place for the homeless to come in out of the cold and the wet.

There's a guy over there that coughs without covering his mouth.  I should go over there and tell that Doc Holliday emmeffer to cubre a toser, dicksqueeze!   Hmm . . .  Maybe after I post this, if he hasn't been hospitalized by then.

            As in most places, a large percent of the population here is mentally ill.  The old Revolving-Door Psychiatric Treatment is most assuredly Alive and Well.  
Psychosis 4.0 by MistaBobby

See, these cats only get acute care when they are having an acute situation, i.e., a psychotic episode or some such crisis.  They get hospitalized and are put on a medication regimen, do well for their thirty day-stay (or so), then they are released.  If they’re lucky, they get a month’s worth of discharge meds which they may or may not take . . . they have to remember to do so, but they can be traded for food and, unfortunately, for booze.  So the meds metabolize or get sold or what have you and then they, the mentally ill, are left to the creeping horrors that impatiently await just off-stage.

What if, now just indulge me for a moment, Patient Reader, what if the reality experienced by the mentally ill is the real reality?  What I mean to say is: What if the perceptions of those whom are deemed sane, are truly the incorrect ones?  What if music really does have colors and colors have flavors and flavors have sounds?  What if the synesthetic nightmares experienced by schizophrenics and the manic delusions and abysmal troughs wrought by the demons of bipolar disorder were the norm? 

            Or let’s take it a step further:  What if all of this, this world and this planet and this universe and all within it . . . what if this is all some mad dream rolling around inside the lonely skull of a man who himself is in a padded cell strapped into an I-Love-Me Jacket?  (I don’t mean to belittle the crazies . . . remember I am one of them, myself!)  But what if this scenario were true?  Wouldn’t it explain a few things?  Like Snookie . . . or Elvis impersonators or the entire Bush(es) Administration?

            I would feel, or maybe I DO feel, sorry for this poor person.  Can you imagine what pain that person experienced, that he or she might be so broken?  What terror and torment rages in this pitiful heart?   What would it take to dream up these horrible wars and rumours of wars?  Well, er . . .  madness, I suppose.  It’s all you need here in this reality, right?

            Just some food for thought, I reckon.

            I brought all of this up because I am going to tell some of their stories soon.  Not to get too specific at this stage of the game, I will soon be posting some pretty interesting blogs in the future.  Would you keep coming back for more of those?  Splendid!

            So as you wander about your towns, Patient Readers, and you see the people out there that mutter or downright shout to no one in particular, or live under bridges or whatever poor state in which you find these poor folks, just remember that maybe, just maybe, the both of you are really not real after all.

            But do remember, Patient Reader, that this person is someone’s mom or dad or brother or sister or son or daughter.  Get them a slice or give them a cigarette or a coffee or maybe just some compassion.  No one chooses to be insane . . .  that would be, well, you know.  But, and dammit I hate to say it (especially two posts in a row), we can choose to be kind to them.

            Don’t worry, Patient Reader and Dear Friend, I still hate people and still think they suck, but I can try not to be a sucker but be a suckee.  (?)  Umm . . .  right?

            Pax Vobiscum, and all that jazz, Dear and Patient Reader, and I shall see you again soon.

The Cunning Fennec Fox

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