
03 January, 2014

Crisis? What Crisis? and the Cunning Fennec Fox

3 January 2014

1324 hrs

Hello, Patient Reader,

Well . . . crisis #1 is handled; I got a replacement key this AM.  I am putting in on a lanyard to wear around my neck, this one, and I have a duplicate, too.  And it only took me four hours and four bus rides to accomplish . . .  This fucking phone situation . . .  The guy with the keys only lives a few blocks away, and it only need cost me a phone call, were I to have a functioning phone.  Promises of, “No matter what, you’ll always have a phone; I am not a vindictive person;” about as valuable as a City of Detroit Bond.

I just have one question:  Where are all the SANE women?  Jesus . . .  I know you’re out there.  OK, two questions; question #2:  What is it about me that attracts crazy emmeffing women?  I promise I will scrub it from my system.  I have a lot to offer, I think, and it will only get better . . .  

Anyway, more to follow as I turn the corner on the other crises . . .  Oh, which reminds me:  I got the eBook to work . . .  only I have to, so far, use it on my iPhone.  Yes, I have an iPhone that has no phone service . . .  Ain’t that grand.  Turns out, ironically, that my original phone provider (CricKet, whom I will never leave again) could’ve given me all the services I need for half the price of the one I switched to- you know, the Nameless Service whose signal cut out a couple of hours a day.  I will NEVER be so trusting again when someone makes outlandish promises.

So coming soon I will have a phone again, er, more accurately, phone service.  Hard to believe that since moving here I have actually backslid in that regard.  I hate to sound bitter, but I need a phone for the very same reasons all of you out there need one.  The very same reasons she needs one.  She of all people should know how shitty this predicament is in which I find myself.

So, I bid you all a Later Alligator, and I sense from y’all the In A While, Crocodile that I know you mean so sincerely.


The Cunning Fennec Fox

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