
03 January, 2014

When Is Too Much Too Much? and the Cunning Fennec Fox

03 January 2014

0340 hrs

            Hello Again, Dear and Patient Reader . . .

I would like to share with you some events from the past couple of days.  Are you ready to listen?  Shall I continue?  Splendid!

I met a woman; I know, I know . . . You all are saying, NO WAY!  But, ‘tis true.  Don’t worry, y’all . . .  I met her online.  Actually, she found me- the means in which she did so are classified- and she left a message telling me that she was intrigued, er OK, curious is the word she used . . .  I would not want to give y’all the wrong um . . . setting, here.  At any rate, she leaves me means to reply, should I so desire, being forthright to inform me that the setting was NOT a dating site.  OK, fair ‘nuff; no one mentioned dating.  Fine as Frog Hair, so far.  (Ever seen frog hair?  No?  That’s how fine it is!)

So then she proceeds to tell me that she is single, has had a few of us dogs sniffing around her a bit, etc.  I say Hmm, I see . . .  Hmm I gotcha- I mean, she need not paint a picture, right?  She is not looking.  Message more than well received.

So I ask, Gee, did something I say indicate that I was looking for something more than a friend?  The very next email she s-p-e-l-l-s it out for me saying (I paraphrase) I’m not looking for a partner . . .

Well, I think, No shit . . .  haven’t quite broken your code yet, lady . . .

So in my next response, I, er, respond with (and I was polite, Patient Reader . . .  You worry too much!)  Well, Nice Lady (I paraphrase, again . . .) that’s good.  I understand .  I am not looking for a partner, either.  And besides, you live so far away, it would end up being a long-distance relationship . . .  and we all know how well THOSE work out . . .

        Or something along those lines . . .  again, I paraphrase.  So guess what?  Never heard back from her.  Is the whole world just fucking nuts?

I lost my keys today.  Yep, locked out of my own house with groceries both warming and cooling in their sacks, as I had just gotten home from the store.  Funny thing is, they could be at the college or on the bus . . .  Who knows?

Even more funny than that, since I am between phones, I was at the college taking care of something that I could have done over the phone.  Y’all know the phone story, I think.  Maybe I didn’t give the details, I don’t remember.  Anyway, I am without a phone until my student aid comes in, so for another coupla weeks or so.

Anyway . . . I bought an eBook for one of my classes.  Ever do that, Patient Reader?  DON’T!  You’ll regret it.  They at the bookstore on campus printed one out just for me, lil’ ol’ me, and the back of the card had, of course, instructions.  Great, right?

Haha.  I scoff <scoff scoff>.   Well, I get home and log on to the bookstore’s website, as per the card, but unfortunately, they did not mean MY school’s bookstore website.  Better yet, they did not specify which bookstore’s website.  But they did have SOMETHING . . .  Can you guess what it was?  Yup.  A Customer Service telephone number!  Jesus Harold Christ on a Rubber Fucking Crutch.  So I have to wait until after the holiday, when they (my bookstore) re-opens.  So I set that aside.

I decide to get the web-based homework interface for my hybrid mathematics course.  I tear open the shrink-wrap on both the book and the card that will enable me to access this aforementioned homework software.  I get about 2/3 of the way through the registration process when I discover I need my Class Code to finish and access.  Hmm.  I don’t have a Class Code.  I was never issued a Class Code . . .

SO I think, Aha!  I will email my future math professor.  Brilliant, right?  I even got a response, Dear and Patient Reader.  It said, and again I paraphrase:  “Cunning Fennec Fox, I sent emails out to everyone with the Class Code on Monday.  If you didn’t get it then there must be something wrong with your email address.  Fix it.”  And that’s it.  No Class Code in the email this Professor sent me.

So I do my due diligence.  The school does INDEED have my correct email address.  I got a response the same day from the bookstore, to whom I told my heart-wrenching tale of woe regarding the eBook (no help whatsoever in the email).  The school OBVIOUSLY has the right email address, right?

So I emailed the prof back.  I say that the school does have it, and if I was not part of her mass mailing, then I must not be enrolled in her class.  So then I guess I would see her maybe next term.  

I went back up to the bookstore because, not to put too fine a point on it, I could not phone them, and the first two people I talked to told me, No, don’t go to OUR website.

Well, again, No Shit.  The second person, to be fair, told me that I was to call the Customer Service number on the back of the card, which was ever so helpful . . .  wait . . .  no it wasn’t!

Finally, Helper Number Three.  She takes me past the little waist-high swingy-door thingy directly to Emerald City, where I could see the Forbidden View They Who Lord Over Us have, and I could sneer down my nose at the scummy student body, too.  Cept I didn’t.

No, Shmarbara (I changed her name for the story) WENT ONLINE and LOOKED UP THE WEBSITE FOR ME.  She even allowed me to go through the whole registration process- she went so far as to read me the long-ass numbers from the card as I typed them in.

Turns out that I needed to go to 3 different websites just to get to the point where I needed to enter the activation code that was on the receipt I left at home.  Yes, Patient Reader.  I wasn’t returning the damn thing . . .  Who knew I needed the receipt? 

Well, at least she got me that far . . .  she even wrote down all of the URL’s that I needed to finish once I had the receipt in hand.  I thanked her, and on my way out I even told her boss, Shmony (not his real name, either) what a wonderful person she was for going way above and beyond Her Duty to assist me.  (By the way, no one knew about this website debacle; Shmarbara and I were winging it).

So I imaginating-ly (?) doffed my imaginary chapeau and I was off.  To the grocery store.  And somewhere between there and here, I lost my keys.

I am going to the Management Company of my apartment complex to see if they’re the ones from whom I get another key, and if not them, then who is . . .

Why don’t I just forgo the 2 bus rides it takes to get there and just call them?  C’mon.  You know.

So I have a friend who is going to house-sit while I run all over the county, getting patches for the stupidity holes.  Stupidity for everything; losing my keys; believing my friend who said that no matter what, I wasn’t going to lose my phone service . . .  you know, STUPIDITY . . .

So I guess I will leave it at that for now.  You’ll get the rest of the story when I post next, and you know that it won’t be simple, and you know that it won’t be resolved tomorrow.  I just hope I don’t end up climbing a tower with a rifle.  Fingers Crossed.  Haha.  Please don’t call the cops.  That was just a joke.  A Joke!

Stay tuned, Patient Reader.  More hilarity to ensue, and as always, I remain,

The Cunning Fennec Fox

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