
23 July, 2014

Texting, Deprivations, Motherfucking Healthcare, Hypocrisy, and the Cunning Fennec Fox

Good Morning, Patient Reader

(c)  Properfessor

            I have a text program on my computer that allows me to, well, text on my computer as you would a cellphone.  On my phone, this program opens up automatically to the person by whom I was texted last.  I can start typing away, confident that it will get to said person accordingly.  However, on my computer, the same program opens up to the person whom I texted last.  This can present problems if and when I am sleep and caffeine deprived, distracted, and/or enamored with an attractive female.  I happen to be all three, subject to the collective symptoms of all of the above.

            Ordinarily this would not present a problem, however, when I text my friend Shmanthony and call him my Pretty Baby and my Sweet One and that I lurve him, well . . . it can cause a modicum of consternation.

            Certainly it would only take a few seconds of double-checking to ascertain to whom the text is going, but if you kindly refer to the statement regarding caffeine deficiency, etc., but a couple of paragraphs back, things become more clear.

            Fortunately, Shmanthony takes this all in stride, and the ribbing I get from him is minimal.

            It is quite strange indeed to write of this significant other that is in my life, now; much as it is, I am sure Patient Reader it is for you, to read it. 

(c)  Properfessor

            The Cunning Fennec Fox seems to be on the road to contentment.

            This does not mean, however, that The Fox has lost sight of the things that make him rant . . . as will be evidenced below . . . So without further ado, I believe I will commence with said rant . . . Care to Join Me?  Splendid!

            Motherfucking Healthcare.  The fucking Repubs won a small battle to rescind some of the funding for the Affordable Care Act, also known as ObamaCare (ObamaCare used to be a pejorative term, but has since been embraced by the president himself as a point of pride).  Repubs . . . jebus fucking cripes, people.

            What is so wrong with universal healthcare?  What is so scary about people seeking the cheaper preventative medicine rather than the much more expensive curative care?  What is wrong with putting insurance companies out of business?

            What is so right about having said Insurance Companies decide what kind of health care you’re going to receive in the first place? 

            Let’s think about this:  Medical professionals’ hands are tied.  If they feel that you require the more expensive tests and procedures, and you have shitty or no insurance and cannot provide adequate self-pay, then you are FUCKED.  Does that make sense to you?  Only the well-employed and wealthy get to receive the care they need? 

            I have an M.D. buddy who switched to the more lucrative insurance company side of the street.  This traitor, erm, friend, actually told me this, well ok, riddled me this question:

            “Fox,” he hissed, “How can I take (millions of dollars in bonuses and salaries) profits to my shareholders (of which he was one) when we are shelling out millions to patients and their doctors?”

            Think about that, folks . . .  and You, Patient Reader, should be outraged by the blatant thievery afoot in this type of mentality.  Remember, in Organized Crime, prosecutors were going after a syndicated form of extortion wherein Mafiosi would target small businesses and forcing the owners to pay a fee each month so that there “wouldn’t be any trouble.”  They even called it “insurance.”

            Americans are paying insurance companies while we are healthy, hoping that we never need to use that insurance, all the while the Mafiosi of the Insurance Military Complex rakes it in all the while hoping that you will never need it, too.  What the FUCK is that all about?  Pissing away money that you hope you’ll never have to use?  What a racket.

            And Congress . . . you stupid fucks who gutted ObamaCare in the first place and turn around and point out to Fox News watchers that see?  ObamaCare ruins everything and makes god stomp on kittens!  

Every time someone uses Medicaid, god kills a unicorn!  

You stupid sister-fucking pieces of shit.  

And yet Congress gets all of their healthcare from the generosity of the tax-payers, all the while saying that tax-based health care is the downfall of society.  

Never mind the lives we could save, or at least improve.  You lickers of the boots of death born out of fear piece of shit xians out there!  

Except for you, christian Patient Reader, I know that as a CFF regular, your avoidance of zealotry is a testament (no pun intended) to your moderation and to your compassion for the less fortunate.  Kinda like jebus himself.

            Think about it.  Jebus preached welfare.  He relied on the kindness of charity, was poor as dirt, and if he were alive today, he and the Twelve, et al, would be on ObamaCare . . . well, if they were American citizens, anyway.  IS knows that if jebus et al came into the country without the appropriate documents he would be deported post-haste back to Judea.  Fa Chrissakes . . .

            So think about that, Patient Reader and you stupid fucks out there next time you write a check for your insurance premiums.  Where does your hard-earned cash go?  To those who could use it, or to those executives who just add to their already-overflowing wallets?  High time for a Revolution?  Yop, indeed.

            I’ll have more tomorrow on the rest of the things that are wrong in the world, or else some of the things that are.  We all know that there is not enough time or not enough electrons to comment on all the things wrong with our planet.

            So I shall leave you to ponder the paragraphs above and really contemplate on how medicine is, and how it can be changed.  Is the status quo benefitting the masses?  Or just the elite.  Do I sound like a socialist?  Whatever you elitists need to call me to justify your incessant greed, you prepuces.

            Mark 10:25 

              It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

            Luke 18:25

            For it is easier for a camel to go

through a needle's eye, than for a rich
man to enter into the kingdom of God.

            Matthew 19:24

            And again I say unto you, It is

easier for a camel to go through the

eye of a needle, than for a rich man to 

enter into the kingdom of God.

            Read your own holy book you

hypocritical mass murderers.

            So with that, Patient Reader, I 

leave you to it, but with one last 

thought:  Is healthcare a right or a 


Always I remain,

The Cunning Fennec Fox

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