
18 October, 2014

Ebola, Epidemics, WHO, CDCp, Reinflating the Otto-Pilot, Projectile Vomiting, Explosive Diarrhea, Wash Your Hands, Dammit, and the Cunning Fennec Fox

18 October 2014
0601 hrs

Well Good and Patient Reader . . .

Shall I just get started?  Shall I just Dive In?  


What the Unholy Fuck is going on with Ebola?  I can’t remember the exact blog posting . . . there are well over 30K words in the CFF blog, but if I do remember correctly, it was somewhere back in April when I first mentioned Ebola.  You’re Welcome.

So if a guy like me can begin the (mono?) dialogue of hemorrhagic fever, why can’t the health organizations of the world do the same?

The CDCP in Atlanta and the WHO in Geneva . . .  Hey, Nice Digs!

Sure, ok . . . those of you who have been here a while know that I have a strong medical background and I tend to keep abreast

(ahem) of these things, but I am not the CDCp, nor am I with the World Health Organization.  Who?  No, Yes.

Just a few days ago we (America) decided that we would start screening passengers for Ebola if they came from West Africa- the region hit hardest by the current epidemic.  Good thing we got such a rapid handle on the problem . . . only took us what, four months?

Experts out there have been warning us for months that numbers will increase exponentially- up to ten thousand new cases a week.  Back on 06 September the numbers were projected to be 500 new cases a week in a short matter of time. 

Here’s what the BBC is reporting:

“ . . . Ms Vinson later contacted the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to inform it she was travelling on a plane on Monday - Frontier Airlines Flight 1143 from Cleveland to Dallas-Fort Worth.

She reported a temperature of 37.5C (99.5F) and CDC director Thomas Frieden said she should not have travelled on a commercial flight.
However, another health official told the New York Times later that Ms Vinson was not prevented from flying because the temperature was mildly elevated and was in a category not covered by the CDC.

"I don't think we actually said she could fly, but they didn't tell her she couldn't fly," the official told the Times. "She called us... I really think this one is on us."

Officials are trying to trace all 132 passengers but insist that as Ms Vinson did not have a fever, the risk to "any around that individual on the plane would have been extremely low".

Ms Vinson has now been transferred to hospital in Atlanta . . .” (sic)

The article can be found at this link:

Jesus H. Christ, Patient Reader . . .
We have patients telling those in the know they may have Ebola, and we’re still fumbling like the St. Louis Rams . . . sorry Tony . . .

Thomas Duncan, Index Patient, Dallas, TX, explained to the nurse in the ER that he had just come from Liberia.  You know . . . Liberia!  And as I blogged last time, they sent him home with Ebola, a fever, and some antibiotics.  When he came back with, “. . . projectile vomiting and uncontrollable diarrhea,” he was looked at more closely.

Now there are two nurses who treated him infected with the disease.

Patient Reader, I don’t want to cause any trouble- don’t want to create any panic, here . . . but if we don’t get our, er, shit together, then we could have a serious situation on our unwashed hands. 

Dining Culture

To Be Continued . . .

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