
11 October, 2014

Ebola Epidemic Reaches US, The Art of War, Thermopylae, ISIS, Smallpox, Nude Snapchat Photos, and the Cunning Fennec Fox

11 October 2014

(c)  Properfessor

Patient Reader!

            Good Day . . . I am here on the edge of my bed watching the Auburn/Mississippi State (debacle?) game.  I’ll post a run-down of my observations at a later time . . .  I want to see how the other games “play out . . .” (sorry) before I unload and opine.

            I really want to talk about what the fuck is going on in this mad mad mad mad world!

            BBC tells me we (the US, that is) can expect a “handful of Ebola cases in the upcoming months . . .” 

            Jesus Harold Christ on a Rubber Fucking Crutch!  

            I ranted on this bullshit last time!  We have known about this outbreak/epidemic since April . . . do we have to watch it evolve into a pandemic, as well?  America.  Home of the best medical schools and medical sanitation practices in the world, and it looks like we are not immune to our own outbreak of this obscure, easily preventable hemorrhagic virus.

            Easily preventable?  Well, yeah.  We know it has a 21-day incubation period, and that no one is contagious until symptoms appear, all that is needed is the quarantining of anyone who has had contact with anyone who shows symptoms.  But no, we weren’t expecting this.  For some reason we are always so arrogant when it comes to our vulnerability.  I mean lookit: 

Bush got the CIA memo in 8-01 that was actually entitled, “Bin Laden Determined To Strike in US.”  

       It was the President's Daily Brief prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency and given to U.S. President George W. Bush on Monday, August 6, 2001. 

       The brief warned of terrorism threats from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda 36 days before the September 11, 2001 attacks.

          And I take that from the Wikipedia article to which I have provided a link above.

       Did he heed that warning?  No, he was too busy playing golf 

after executing ‘Murcans

        while governor of Texas to worry about what Clinton had warned him was the #1 security concern in the US at the time (al Qaeda).

      Here we are, 13 years later, and none the wiser.  And I know I don’t need to explain the analogous connections between War and Ebola.  But I’ll give it a fucking shot!

       I Mean, look. All I am trying to get at is that we have the ability to peer ahead in time simply because we as humans can see an event and extrapolate from said event, thereby predicting several possible scenarios from it.  

War, for example:

 War is something we as a species seem to excel at, and though the technology has changed over time, the basics are still the same. Why else is Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" still so applicable today?  Why does the U.S. Military Academy (West Point) still teach the phylangic tactics learned at Thermopylae?  Because shit still works, that's why.

For example, let's look at surveillance and reconnaissance. If you know where the enemy is, you can observe micro-movements, terrain, weather, and other factors and have a pretty good guess at what they're planning next. Right?

So the World Health Organization says hey, Ebola.  And not only that, they say hey, biggest Ebola ever, no kidding, thissun's a motherfucker. 

       But that's fucking West Africa for fuck’s sake.  Thousands of miles away and inhabited only by dark people and the white missionaries stupid enough to go over there and try to help those heathen bastards find jesus.  Why the fuck do we want to give two shits to try and stop it?

       Yeah, we didn’t factor in the fact that this is not an isolationistic world anymore.  We forgot that travel has made this planet a very small place, how that in one hour you can be 500 miles away from where you started.  We forgot that viruses really don’t give a fuck what color you are, or necessarily your current geographical location.  Hell, we forget that Americans born since the seventies have never been vaccinated against smallpox!  What would happen if someone got a hold of that delicious little bug? 

“Preposterous!” some of you may be saying.  Oh?  

There are only two samples of live-virus smallpox left in the world (or so they tell us); Our CDC in Atlanta has one, and Russia has the other . . . does that make you feel safe?  Even though many kilograms of radioactive materials, including plutonium, have turned up missing since the fall of the Soviet Union? 

Isis has millions of dollars.  How much would they pay for some smallpox and one of those plant misters you can get at Wally World?  Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen . . . Smallpox can aerosolize.  Fuck’s Sake!

So remember, Patient Reader . . . wash your hands.  Hot, soapy water.  Frequently. 

What else has my scrote in a twist?

I was slightly bummed this morning because I thought that since my eggs were warm and the half and half was not ice cold, my girlfriend had perhaps accidentally left the fridge door slightly ajar.  Something told me to check the freezer and sure enough, the ice trays were full of water and all of the meat thawed through.

So now I am cooking all of the meat tonight, and drinking immense amounts of coffee 

       so I can burn through the cream like a newborn calf.  I went out and bought a giant cooler and 40 lbs. of ice and put the salvageable perishables (?) in it.  And I called it good.

I went to fetch the cream and, since it was in a cardboard container, I feared the melting ice would weaken the paper . . . y’all know what I’m saying. 

So I open up the fridge and it seems . . . different in there . . .  I realize that the fridge is back on!  What the motherfug?  The gods/universe/IS decided I needed to spend the money on a 60 quart cooler and ice for no apparent reason whatsoever?  That ain’t right, Kemosabe.

I know, Patient Reader . . . no crisis, here.  Just one of those annoying fucking things of many annoying fucking things that tend to pile up as the little straws on the backs of camels, you know?

            Well, I bought the cooler and the ice . . . 

so I might as well use it, right?  I’m keeping the 

thawed meat chilled, at least before I need to 

cook it, while I wait for the fridge to get cold 

again.  Weird fucking day.

Another thing that has my balls scrunched: 

 Shallow graves full of mostly students just outside Mexico City.  Yeah, I know . . . pretty specific beef there, Cunning Fennec Fox . . .

43 students last seen being pushed into police vans are suspected to be the bodies that occupy these graves.  What the fuck?  Do they think they’re in Portland, Oregon, for chrissakes?  The governor of Guerrero, the state in which all of this took place, says that the police turned the students over to a drug gang.  I don’t exactly see the connection, unless there isn’t any ad the cartel wanted to throw a scare into the good people of Mexico, but all the same, it’s a pretty fucked up thing to do all the way around.

Why kidnap the kids in the first place, let alone selling (giving?) them to the cartel?  Makes no sense to me.  Bizarre, even to me, Patient Reader.

The FBI is all sucked up because Apple and Google plan on encrypting user email and info so that not even they can read it.  

       There goes a big chunk of the Police State that the US is starting to resemble!

       And for all of you stupid fucks who say stupid shit like, “Well, if you have nothing to hide then it’s ok . . . I’d rather give up some freedoms than have Osama blow up my whatever-the-fuck-fill-in-the-blank . . .” I say send me an email with all of your email accounts and passwords.  If you have nothing to hide then you should have no problem doing so.  I promise not to do anything illegal with the information . . .  You dense idiot shits.  Fucking stupid Nazi Fascist FUCKS!

       Not you of course, Patient Reader . . .  I know that y'all are Humanist constitutionalists who appreciate that freedom is pure and untouchable.

            Oh, there’s much more to discuss, Patient Reader . . . I have to rant about the Alaska cops who told some parents, erroneously as it turns out, that their son was killed in a crash.  Yeah.  Fucking COPS!  How hard is it to verify the facts?  Same name . . . sure . . . but different dates of birth.  That can tell you something, right?  Maybe those guys had different SSNs . . . maybe they had different driver’s license numbers?  Different addresses, etc?  I dunno . . . that’s just me.  I would have looked a little further into the matter than just the name.  “Huh . . . Justin Priest (real name and not that unusual . . .) must be the only Justin Priest in North America.  Look in the phone book and call his mom and pop.

       Yeah, probably more on that later.

       But while we are on the subject of Alaska, the Palins are at it again.  House party in her redneck of the woods wherein punches were thrown by the drunk kids at other drunks, including Bristol who was face punching some other redneck, all the while a presumably drunk Sarah sat and watched.  Check it out.  Redneck bitches.

Baby Doc Duvalier was buried today.  

Baghdad had another car bomb.  

Oh, JFK airport started Ebola screenings today . . . I know . . . I’ll touch on that subject again, later.

       Nude Snapchat pics made it online.  Finally!  Not enough naked people online, s’what I say!  To borrow a headline from The Onion: “Porn-Saturated Public Demands New Orifice to Stare At . . .” goddam I love that one . . .

            On a lighter note, the London Zoo has 

the Meerkat Cam . . . check it out!  I put the BBC

link here:

            “Phones held by police remotely wiped . . .” I love that one, too.  Here’s that link.

                “Microsoft will respect Minecraft . . .” 
That’s awfully nice of them, don’tcha think?
       So many subjects, so little time, Patient Reader.  I suppose I should get this illustrated and posted and then call it good for now.  I’ll have another blast for some unsuspecting dumbass, soon.  So stay tuned for that . . . it has been a while since I shat loudly on some Repubs . . . surely it’s time for that?

       Until we meet again, Patient Reader, I shall remain,

The Cunning Fennec Fox 

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