
07 September, 2013

When the Snows Come and the Cunning Fennec Fox

When the Snows Come

     When the snows come
and the dreams that follow
     When you rest your head beside
my heart, old and wise

     And we listen for the Owl
in the barn next to us
     And we whisper of the solemn look
we agree she wears, as she peers
     Over the little owlets, cheeping

      We imagine what the field mice dream

of in the cold rafters – the old one-eyed cat that adopted
      first you then me . . .

We wondered what sensation felt
      as the raptor meets the rodent in the dark-
and then I remember and remind you

Of a saker and her fox

      Do you, you ask me
Love me still as I lie here old and wrinkled
      On your white chest . . .

     and I, a quarter century older
than my father ever was

     and I love you, I tell you, because
we did all of this together
     because you had just

a little bit of faith

     In the Idea of Us . . .

5 August 2012

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