
26 March, 2014

From The Darkest Depths Of Mordor and the Cunning Fennec Fox

26 March 2014
1047 hrs

Good late morning to you, Patient Reader
Here we are again on CFF, reading (or writing, in my case) about the Fox and His Rants.  Thanks for coming back, and keep the comments coming.

SO what is it I have to talk about, now?  How about murder, Mordor (coming from the Old English- the word for murder or mortal sin . . .  Mordor sound familiar, fellow nerds?).

I had a friend, or one of the closest examples of friend someone like me can have.  His name was Anthony, helluva nice guy.  Always had a smile; always a kind word; always a positive attitude.  In other words, the Anti-Cunning Fennec Fox.
SO this guy runs into a gang member, or what passes for gangs in this weak place, and they have an altercation.  The staff at the bar kick them out.  Anthony leaves and was on his way somewhere else, thinking nothing more of it, when this piece of shit sucker-punches my friend.  Anthony fell to the ground, struck his head on the sidewalk, and fell into a persistent coma.  His family came to town from Illinois and Kentucky and pulled Life Support.  My friend died, but really electrocerebral silence is death, anyway.

            My friend was a good man with a troubled past.  Aren’t there so many of those.  He was trying to put his life together, and succeeding quite well at it.  Seems the good folk die young; he was 47 years old.  Looks like, if that theory pans out, I will live to be 110 years old (and probably murdered by a jealous husband).
            Piece of Shit was initially charged with Assault 2; the charges were upped when Anthony died.  Upped to second-degree manslaughter, for which I understand a sentence of 75 months is imposed.  There you go, Anthony, your life is worth 75 months.  All I hear besides the whooshing in my head is Grendel from Beowulf screaming, “Mordor!  Mordor!”   
            I don’t like cops, particularly, as you may have read in a recent blog.  I don’t think our judicial is fair or blind, at least it sees color:  Money Green.
            But the repeat offenders that show no remorse and all the sociopathic tendencies we, as an ever-evolving society, try to suppress . . . well, he should be locked up and studied for the rest of his life.  I am not for the institution of prison as it now stands- remember it was the Shakers that came up with Penitentiary, but they meant it as penitence, or a period in which one is to reflect upon his or her actions.

            I do not agree with the death penalty.  FBI statistics themselves show that states with capital punishment actually have a higher murder rate than those that do not.  So it is NOT a deterrent to murder.  What we SHOULD do, and here I sound the Liberal Bleeding Heart we Humanist Free-Thinkers are often pejoratively thought to be, is study sociopathy and try to determine its source, whether found in nurture or nature.  Find the cause and eliminate it.  Think of it as male birth control- it’s far better to take the bullets out of the gun than to wear a bullet-proof vest . . .
            Anyway, the subject saddens me all around.  Why do we show the world how atrocious it is to murder another by murdering the offender?  Besides, look at all of the death row inmates released due to being proven innocent?  How many innocent people did we execute before the advent of DNA analysis?
            I hear so many Pro-State-Killing folks who spout what they spout about jails and convicts and so forth, but it seems whenever I converse with them about such things, I seem to be the only one of us who has read the US Constitution . . .  why is that?  I took criminology courses, too.  It was required reading, though I read it on my own in preparation for 8th Grade Civics class . . .
I read the Declaration of Independence, too.
            At least read the first ten constitutional amendments, fa chrissakes . . .  we call them the Bill of Rights,
in case those of you out there too ignorant to know need to know.  Not you, of course, Patient Reader.  Y’all know what’s what.  Why is it the “Liberal Bleeding Hearts” know more about our civil rights than you Right Wing Nationalist-Socialists?  Geez, that’s a lot to type, Nationalist-Socialist.  They should come up with a shorter term for that.  Oh yeah, they did:  Nazis.

            So what else . . .  Well, my GPA dropped to a B+, thanks to my inability to warm to mathematics.  Thank the IS that this was my last term requiring math.  I’m a multimedia major; YOU do the math . . .

            My ballerina friend is excited about the film we are to make.  We were going to shoot Friday and Saturday, but I spoke with the theater director and he said we could do it right if we wait until early May.  They will have the dance floor and the dance lights set up in the theatre, and we are welcome to use the facility when there are no performances.  I am very excited about this, also.

            My friend, Shmaustin* is busily drawing the thumbnails and storyboard; he will be principal photographer on the shoot, and I hope to have my own camera by then and I can use it rather than the iPhone camera which I currently use.  Don’t get me wrong- the iPhone is a worthy camera; just look at all of the original photos I have been posting- all shot on the iPhone.  I hope the pix I take on the Nikon I plan to get are that much better!  So that is in the works.
            I apologize, Patient Reader, if my post today seems more tedious than usual.  I am weary with the unfamiliar grief toward death that I have been feeling these past couple of days.  It is usually love lost that frets me so.
            Ana told me recently that, “A cynic is simply a romantic with a broken heart . . .”

Could it be as simple as that?  Can those 10 words sum up the most profound aspect of my personality?  Of this I must ruminate.  What do y’all think?  Can she be right?  Can it be fixed?  Can I be fixed?

            I doubt it . . .
            “The world is a beautiful place, and worth fighting for,” said Ernest Hemingway.

Like Somerset said in Se7en, “I agree with the last part . . .”
            So I leave you to it, Patient Reader, bidding y’all auf wiedersehn . . .  Shall I sign off, now?  Splendid!

The Cunning Fennec Fox

*names changed to protect the guilty . . .


  1. Sorry about Anthony. I often hear xians (to borrow your phrase) using OT logic to justify murder by the state. Yeah, not that I'm saying anything there you don't know. I'm just surprised that didn't pop up in this rant. Sanctity of life, my ass, right? Am I right?

    1. Of course, NT god is no better. He forces his followers to commit symbolic cannibalism, to genuflect before him and accept him into our hearts as our lard and savior, unquestioningly, lest you be cast out into Utter Darkness for all eternity, all because he loves us. In other words, god is a ten-year-old, spoiled brat.
