
08 July, 2014

Hot Morons, Cold Corrections, and the Always Awesome Cunning Fennec Fox

8 July 2014
0843 hrs

(c)  Properfessor

Good Morning, Patient Reader . . .

            Well, I know that I promised you all an interesting . . . unusual is the term I used, if I remember correctly, post either yesterday or today . . . something that implies recent changes in my personal life . . . but I don’t really feel as if I have gotten my head around all of the events that occurred, 

so instead, you’ll have to settle on some ranting.  Or not . . . I mean, it is my blog, after all- read it or go FY, right? 

            Except for your discerning tastes, Patient Reader . . .  I know that you CFFers are loyal to the nature of my rants.

            I hope to have some of my head together ‘ere long . . . but until then, you will be exposed to my opinions rather than my feelings, which are stunted and atrophied, anyway.  So shall I Get the Fuck On With It?  Splendid!

            Where shall I begin?  How ‘bout this little gem?

            Major stem-cell findings retracted

            Well, here we go again, good people.  Some piece of shit scientist out there flubbed his data and findings to fit whatever . . . what he or she wanted to see or felt we should see or however he or she saw the world. 

            This, my Patient Reader, is the worst kind of scientist.  This is an erudite someone who spent years to obtain a PhD (his/her thesis should now come under scrutiny) in whatever discipline.  Then, chances are, they had a fellowship during which they did more research and then they went on to supposedly bigger and better things.  How do we build upon another’s theories if the data is faulty?  How do we build an edifice on sand?

            Shitty Science and Scientists

            Above is the link to the BBC article. 

            And on such a sensitive subject, too!  Remember early on in the W administration, the retarded Right pressured our coke-head

            (no offense, coke-heads) president to sign a bill into law that limited stem cell research to just the 8 or so strains that were already part of embryonic stem cell research.  I wonder, as do many of my colleagues, how advanced our technology would be had we been able to obtain more samples . . . what if, in the past 14 years, we could have (nearly?  Completely?) cured such woes as Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s or Cystic Fibrosis?

            The same style of fucked up research paper publication led to a paper stating, completely WRONG, of course, that childhood vaccinations lead to autism.  Yes, Caballeros y Damas, there is no scientific evidence that vaccines lead to autism, or any other childhood illness, for that matter.

Check out these links:

            There is, however, an Everest-sized mountain that proves a link between morbidity/mortality and polio, pertussis, diphtheria, measles, rubella, etc.  For fuck’s sake you bizarre motherfuckers.  Read a science book.  You pathetic pieces of shit.  Except for you, Patient Reader . . . I know your kids are not the reason we have HPV-induced cervical cancer or meningococcal meningitis epidemics bounding about.

Another link . . .

            Here is a link to the NIH page expounding on the Science of vaccinations, you idiots out there.  Now, I don’t have time to read to you all the science books you need to read between 7th grade and say, junior year in college . . . not that I could pry that book of fables and stupidstitions that y’all call you Buy Bull.  So you’ll just have to educate yourselves (yeah!  Like that’s gonna happen, you backward sister-fuckers).

           Still more link(s)

Sure . . .  I'll give her a plug . . .  haha, I said I would plug her . . .  (It came from the Seventh Grade!!!) . . .  Cue the eerie Sci-fi music

            And all in the name of Moral Superiority.  All in the name of the Sanctity of Life.  Whose life?  Yes, some of the research would have come from aborted fetuses, where the primitive stem cells can still be manipulated into any other kind of cell, repairing stroke damage and cardiomyopathy and leukemia . . . fuck that list goes on and on.  Sorta like me.

            So these fucking (mostly 

christian) zealots come along, screaming that life begins at conception, 

Clinically no different from:

            and they are so afraid of anything good coming from something so sad.  Sad but necessary.  This just cannot happen . . . you fucking idiots . . .

            They want to force these poor women to carry these unwanted pregnancies to term, 40 weeks of sadness and anxiety.  Then once they have this baby, the right wants them birthed into a society where we have cut back on welfare, so now the family is plunged even deeper into poverty.  Poverty has shown to be a leading cause of crime.  

            But who gives a shit?  That’s what the Prison Industrial Complex is for, right?  Just lock up dem sunsabidges!  

            Now all these rednecks (for prisons are built primarily in rural areas where residents tend to be more . . . conservative, to put it nicely . . . you know, god, guns and gays are the issue of the day).

            We all know that the level of education is sometimes left wanting in these folks.  I am not being a snob- just read the research, fa chrissakes.  These cats leave their conservative homes and blue collar jobs, noble things, both, and they get jobs at these prisons for the benefits and maybe similar pay, with no training whatsoever in criminal justice or criminal psychology or anything resembling an ethics class 

            . . .  I know a prison guard- excuse me; Correctional Officer, whose only experience was Manager at a Red Robin.  (Yumm!)  I shitteth thee not . . .

            These hillbillies are put in charge of a population that already, by definition, cannot or will not abide by the social mores of our time and society.  They tell them when they can eat, when they can shower, even when they can take a shit.  All with the advanced degree of High School Diploma or GED.  

            Nothing against that, Patient Reader.  Many a genius has had little or no traditional schooling.  But these are situations in which much training is required, don’t you think? 

            So looka here; gone off the reservation yet again.  Let me post this link in order to try to justify my wandering nature, this verbal vagabond that is me.

The Way We Treat Ourselves

 “Our failure to treat 

people with severe mental

illnesses and the 

consequences is really one 

of the great social 

disasters of the century”

Dr Fuller Torrey

            Eye-opening article?  Foofaraw?  You be the judge. 

            OK . . .  that’s enough for today.  Now I am just pissed off.  How can we achieve our Star-Trek Society 

            if we are just going Battlestar Galactica?  

            Science for Cylons instead of Panacea.  You assholes.  All except you, Patient Reader.  CFFers are Humanists

            and want to Carl Sagan society to be better . . . to be geniuses in our own right.  

(c)  Properfessor

(c)  Properfessor

(c)  Properfessor

(c)  Properfessor

            To raise the next generations to love well and be loved the way we deserve to be loved, free from guilt and fear and abuse.  Raised to be strong and honest and Compassionate and right.  Raise humanity by our own petards.  Can we do it, Patient Reader?  You bet.  Will we?  

Fuck you.  Never happen.

Until we meet again, always I remain,

The Cunning Fennec Fox

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