
01 September, 2014

Milestones, Maniacs, What They Have in Common, and the Cunning Fennec Fox

01 September 2014
0712 hrs

(c)  Properfessor

Good Morning, Good Labour Day, Good and Patient Reader . . .

            Reason to celebrate other than the fact we don’t have to drag our lazy-ass asses to work today . . . 10,000 Page-views on The Cunning Fennec Fox!!!  

That’s right, good people; ten- a – thousand page-views.  You CFFers fucking ROCK.  Simple as that.  Properfessor is thrilled, as is Stefan (of fame) and needless to say, The Fox himself is tickled pinkie.

            We’ve all been through a lot these past thousands of views . . . you’ve seen me hem-n-haw and wish and wash and helter and skelter and bric and- ok, y’all fucking get it . . .  But there is something to be said about loyalty, and CFFers have it in spades.  Thanks to you and your networking, CFF reached this momentous milestone.  Really, it was almost entirely done via your spreading of the Gospel, that is, The Gospel According to the Cunning Fennec Fox.  Thanks for that. 

            Another momentous marker approaches soon . . . on 4 September, 2014, CFF will be up, officially, for one year!  Woo and HOO!  Pretty awesome if you ask me . . . 

            So for you mathematically-hindered kinder out there, this means an average of, as of right now, 27.6796 views per day . . . now I know that does not sound like much, but we began pretty slowly.  As I said, it was you, Patient Reader, telling your friends and family to come check out the looney rants and craven ravings of this weird vulpine lunatic who was pissing all over everyone and the world, that got us the recognition we so richly and narcissistically deserve, nicht wahr?

            Just the past month or so we have maintained a 2300+ viewer rate/mo average . . . over 2500 this past week and a half or so.  Exponential growth, Bitches!  So again, meine amigos y amigas; you motherfuckers kick ass!  And a special thanks to you redneck christian Repub sister-fuckers out there; without y’all hating and seething with venomous anger, 

I wouldn’t be as happy as I am today. 

            I know I promised y'all some rants on specific topics, and I promise I have not forgotten.  I am just enjoying this well-deserved break.  I'll get on it just as soon as possible.

            So I leave you to your Labourless Labour Day, y’all.  See you soon, as fall term approaches and I am sure I will have a lot to say about the classes, the people, the homework, and the fucking hating cunts out there n(male and female alike) and the way I am wronged either actually or imaginably so . . .

Until then, Patient Reader, I remain . . .

The Cunning Fennec Fox

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