
16 December, 2013

Mmmm . . . Brains . . . and the Cunning Fennec Fox

16 December 2013

1425 hrs

Hello Again, Patient Reader

            I have managed once again to navigate my way through another term of college.  Very interesting classes, these were . . .  I enjoyed the subjects and did quite well, if I do say so myself.  Not a 4-oh like last term, but I am pleased with what I think I may have, GPA-wise.  It should be above a 3.8, which is respectable, I suppose.  

            I’m more calm now than I was the other day when I told some of you to go fuck yourselves . . .  I was only telling those of you ignorant recti to do such, and I know the majority of my readers, Dear and Patient that you are, are not among the lower-colon (ists?  Ites?) variety of mankind.  Still, to those of you who are, you can all go fuck yourselves.


            The weather here is smoggy and cold, and I feel a sort of seasonal gloom coming on.  Playing my guitar, and the joy I feel when I do, elevates me above the life I currently live, full of self-doubt and apprehension and a general sense of is-it-worth-it-ness.  Of course it is, worth it that is, and I do not feel the desire to harm myself nor any other, not that some of you really even give a Ratzass about all of that.

            The depth of desire to pick up my guitar from the corner on her stand and play is actually the yardstick by which I measure my pain.  When I am very down; when I feel immersed with the totality of a Southern baptism; when I am awash with painful pain; I desire the comfort of Candy less and less.  (Candy, by the way, is my guitar . . .)

            I have not picked her up in weeks.

            A lot of that time was taken by school; finals week was fraught with anxiety and the rest of the emotions wrought by such important events.  There too, was that snowstorm that delayed everything for nearly a week.  But now that I can start gearing down for break I still lack the want or need of playing.  I hope that changes soon.  I have a doc visit at the end of the week; perhaps she can help.

            Did I mention I have a lady physician?  I’m not certain that I did, and I beg forgiveness if I become redundant, or if I repeat myself, or if I say things over and over and over . . .

          I choose physicians and therapists and all other medical specialists primarily for their skills and the rapport I have with them.  I try to find a woman in the group, and they are, most of the time, the most skilled, anyway.

            I don’t mean to come off as sexist, and there is a method to my, er, madness.  You see, I learned early on that if I wanted just one point of view when it came to advice, I could simply rely on my own.  Maybe I could look at a problem and find three or four ways of seeing it; of ascertaining the best of all possible solutions, and then just taking a leap of faith into the abyss, hoping with all my might that I am doing the right thing.

            Or if I want someone to just agree with me, to just say you bet, Cunning Fennec Fox, you sure do know what the fuck, then I’ll just ask another male friend.  I’m pretty persuasive when I feel I am right about something, and I can even convince, most of the time, said male friend to come around to my point of view, even when we began the exchange with him standing on the other side of the table.

            But whenever I wanted insight; whenever I needed more than my limited view and the well-intended yet still sycophantic views of those who would blindly agree with me, I always sought out the intuition of a woman.

            Oh sure, there are many exceptions to such a generalization, as with all blanket statements such as that, yet science backs my play.

            I have seen many studies that show the female brain functions on a much grander, more broad field of play than that of the average man.  Men tend to analyze and grade by known quantifiables and, while this is fine in some matters of problem-solving, it is the woman to whom I turn in most matters that require alternative thought.

            I can already analyze data with the best of them; I was a diagnostician, after all.  Solving problems via treating the DDX (differential diagnosis) as some sort of puzzle was my milieu.  It was my schtick, man.  A case file was simply a Human Algebra Problem; I had to solve for X and I did so.  Anyone, I suppose, could do that.

            Ah, but the female mind.  She and her spatial awareness; the ability to see the waves as well as the sea; to see the nuance of the foam within the whitecap.  I could tell her within eight feet the distance between point A and point B on the faceless deep; she could tell me of the beautiful creatures I missed as I pored over the chart.

            So I seek the special awareness-es of her mind, because She can see through her (heart?) gut as well.  This is a filter through which I do not photograph my world.  Not so much, anyway.  I probably could, but I would never trust such a . . .  feeling.  Not from my own bitter heart.  And when it comes to health, don't you want to image the anomaly from every possible angle?

            So like it or not, ladies:  I sometimes tend to group you together by sex alone.  Sex . . .  c’mon; you know what I mean.  Know what I mean?

            All right, enough about all of that. 

            I have lined up the classes for next term, as I touched on so many words ago, and I am looking forward to the coming term.  Of course I’ll keep you all posted on the progress of my classes.

            Please keep all of the comments coming; I am especially interested in y’all’s views (good or bad) regarding not only what I said today regarding the Female Mind, but also my un-scientific survey underway regarding the Grieving of Relationships a few posts back.  In case you are not aware of this survey, you can go back to the Post dated 11 December 2013, entitled, “What the Hell is Going On Around Here?”  and read all about it.

            So shall I let you busy bees be on your way?   

            Splendid!  Until I see you again, I remain,

    Cunning Fennec Fox

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