06 January 2014
Patient Reader-
Here I am
in the Mess Hall waiting for class to begin.
I am watching episode four of “Money, Power, and Wall Street,” which can
be found on PBS’ website as a Frontline documentary. Y’all ought to check it out; it sort of goes
along with the essay you’ll find elsewhere on the blog. I believe it’s entitled: When Does Capitalism Become A Felony? or something along those lines. It’s
very informative.
instead of posting my first day of school as separate entries, I figure I’ll
post this all at once, and you could perhaps see the evolution of my psychology
as I navigate through the Straits of the Day.
Sound OK to you? Splendid!
It’s funny,
I’ve been meaning to tell you about the strangeness of the way ads are chosen
for my blog by what must be an algorithm some sick bastard designed.
instance, as I was ranting my atheistic viewpoint, based on scripture, I
noticed that there were ads on the blog for Ministry degrees and how Jesus
Saves. If Jesus saves, well he better
save himself . . . To quote Ian
Now that I
brought this up (I had to block ads from these websites, even the Christian
Mingles website, et al), I want to
make it clear that, if Jesus really existed, I’d have no problem with him. The problem I have is with his
“followers.” Jesus (no pun intended),
when did Jesus represent such greed and intolerance? I mean, look around. We’re surrounded by Haters.
Besides, I
think that Jesus was a good Buddhist. In
his time there were Buddhist temples as far west as Yemen, on the Arabian Peninsula. I’m not a Buddhist, though I do think I would
adopt the philosophy long before I would Christianity. Sure, I understand that, according to
physics, energy is never destroyed; it simply changes form. But I don’t see it translating into
Yet the
idea that desire causes suffering which, in turn, can be . . . assuaged by
compassion- I think the idea holds true.
Remember, the idea of karma is centuries older than that of the Golden
Rule . . . right?
this segment of the day is turning out to be longer than I intended. It’s 0755 hrs and my class starts at
0900. I’m going to show up for class
probably 25 minutes early, as I am wont to do.
The class is an art class, which I hope I not only do well in, but excel
in it.
So I bid
you a good morning and you will indeed hear from me again, perhaps a couple
more times, today. Until then, always I
remain, CFF.
06 January 2014
1417 hrs
Patient Reader, it looks like I survived my first day at school. Class let out a bit early because all the
prof did was go over the syllabus and then tell us about the supplies that we
needed to get by Monday. Wow . . . Lots of stuff:
brushes, one sable and the other for acrylics.
I had to get a portfolio to hold the 18”x24” 80# paper I was required to
purchase, too. Let’s see . . . two
erasers; one gummy and the other plastic; I needed a palette and a palette
knife; black and white acrylic paints; a couple of graphite pencils . . . a
spiral-bound no-line sketch pad, 9”x12”; the list goes on. And you know it’s not cheap, either. Set me back a huge chunk. Also, it was only about a third of what we
need by next week. The list above is
what we need just for Friday.
The only
thing that made it that close to intolerable was the damn line to get checked
out. It went all the way around the
store and up and down two aisles. No
shit. There was a point where it looked
like two check-out lines, but I was just looking at the end of the line I was
already in!
Looks to be
a pretty cool class, though. I was
warned that she was an Art Nazi, like the Soup Nazi
on “Seinfeld (no grade for YOU!),” but it turns out
that she rubs some folks the wrong way because she
is from New York City. Brash New Yorker . . . Those
of you Big Apples out there know what I am saying.
I love New York, don’t get me wrong- it’s just that
the whole persona of a New Yorker born-and-raised
differs greatly from the laid-backs I see here in the
Pac NW.
warned that she was an Art Nazi, like the Soup Nazi
on “Seinfeld (no grade for YOU!),” but it turns out
that she rubs some folks the wrong way because she
is from New York City. Brash New Yorker . . . Those
of you Big Apples out there know what I am saying.
I love New York, don’t get me wrong- it’s just that
the whole persona of a New Yorker born-and-raised
differs greatly from the laid-backs I see here in the
Pac NW.
Anyway, I
just arrived at the library a few minutes ago.
Class let out and I went immediately to the store. After that and then going home to drop off my
stuff, that’s how long it took me to finally get here and situated to
blog. I promised I would, right? I really try to keep my promises.
So there is
another art class tomorrow- on campus- and I am lucky that I have a buddy that’s
in the same class. She and I shared a
class summer term, and she’s pretty wild.
I like her a lot.
This is the
class that uses the eBook that was such a bear for me; I blogged about it the
other day, remember? I need to read
chapters 1 et 11 before I go in. I also
need to watch a TV show with the sound off . . . to see if I can follow along
by gestures and situations alone. Wish
me luck . . . I don’t have a TV!
Class #3 is
strictly online, and so I am going to have to do all of it around the other
classes. Class #4 is a hybrid; part
online, part on-campus.
I figured I’d
try to get the process down- at least a little- before I approach total
strangers, which is what the documentary will have a lot of- strangers to me;
maybe to all of us.
I met a
lady at the bookstore, I’ll call her Shmameron*, and then ran into her on my
way off campus. There she met up with
her old man, Shmoshua, and her daughter, Shmaley. They seem like good people. Shmaley is an Art Major; Shmoshua is going
into Nursing as a second career (I told him from experience that he was going
into the right part of medicine- treatment is so much better than diagnostics,
at least for the conscience . . .) Shmameron
never did tell me what she is going back to school for. Pretty lady, though . . . too bad she’s taken. Seems like all of the good ones are,
right? And I suppose that makes
sense. Who besides me lets the good ones
get away?
Ugh . .
. I am still hypertensive from the crowded
bookstore; tired from getting to sleep at 0330 this AM just to turn around and
get up at 0530. I wasn’t tired early
early; I just knew I had to try to get some rest. I figure my day will be officially over when
I get home around 2000 or 2030 hrs. I
think I’ll forgo supper and just try to crash and burn.
I finished
watching the Wall Street doc I told you about earlier. It was four parts and each one is
excellent. Not only do I recommend
PBS.org to y’all, and not just the Frontline
series (Nova and American Experience are two more of my go-to PBS shows; Nature too, if you can get past the 10-01
videos to films ratio . . .) but I strongly recommend you watch the one about
Wall Street. There is also League of Denial, which is about head
injuries in the NFL; there is a doc about Superbugs, too . . . drug-resistant microbes that are wreaking
havoc as they manifest in hospitals as nosocomial infections. Pretty scary stuff . . .
Okey-doke. I can’t promise I’ll be able to blog manana,
I will if something interesting happens.
Class is back in full-swing, and I, once again, am dealing with
truncated timetables . . .
So shall I
let you go? Splendid! And always I remain,
The Cunning Fennec Fox.
Pax Vobiscum, Tomodachi . . .
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