23 June
0749 hrs
Good Morning,
Patient Reader
Wow, well . . . here we are,
folks. First day of summer term. I’ll have a more in-depth post in a couple of
days, or maybe even tomorrow, to fill you in on the happenings of today.
My buddy the farmer, we’ll call him Shmanthony, managed to slaughter
himself some chickens.
He had a couple
of friends over to help him put together his pool, and of course I would have
been there had I the appropriate transportation to get to his home which is
about an hour away from my own.
They didn't eat the chickens . . . they were a sacrifice to The Dark Master . . . Being Hispanic, he is a descendant of those pagan heathen Aztecas y Maya . . . Get scurred you repub fucks!
Of course he et al ate them.
I just saw my friend Sully walk into the cafeteria. Boy.
What a cutie. Married, of course,
because all of the good ones are, right?
Very sweet woman; talented with a camera.
Then there is Shmenny.
She is a
great gal, but I really don’t feel for her what she feels for me. First of all there is that religious
difference thingy. You know; she’s Roman
Catholic and I am well . . . Satan.
So there is not a whole lot of compatibility,
there. It is amazing to me though, as a
side note (and what sort of CFF blog post would it be sans side note?) that the Catholics, of all major christian
denominations, are the most open-minded.
Roll Tide . . . Roll!
Especially when you consider how they were 500 years ago. I mean, they pardoned Galileo, finally, and I
really don’t think most other christians agree with Copernican Theory,
even to
this day- those flat-earther dipscums.
Or that the world is NOT flat. Or
that the Earth is older than 6000 years old.
Or, ad infinitum et ad nauseum . .
Please Don't . . .
But back to Shmenny . . .
The only reservation I have to this, or any relationship, is the fact
that all relationships fail eventually, and am I setting myself up for more
heartache? I know, I know . . . statements like that smack of self-fulfilling
prophecy. I sis cause and effect? Pro hoc
ergo propter hoc.
Oh boy. There are so many things about which I need
to rant. Yet where do I begin?
Malaysia is trying to pass a law where christians won’t be allowed to
use Allah when referring to (the very
fucking same) god. They fear that the
use of the Arabic name will confuse other Muslims and get them to convert. Wow.
The god of Abraham has many names, remember, and Abraham’s first son,
Ishmael, was the progenitor from whom the Arab Semites emerged. From Isaac arose the Hebrews, and from them
came about the christian religion and its ensuing denominations. Yawn.
But as is usual for the human race, folks can’t even agree on the
things upon which they already agree.
Ain’t that some bullshit?
Fear and loathing among the believers of bible god. Jesus Harold Schmitty.
“US vows intense support for Iraq,” says the BBC News headline. Great.
Just advisory positions and unmanned drone attacks, supposedly. You know, covert CIA shit.
Clearly, Iraq is falling apart, sort of what we told Bush when he
invaded and deposed Saddam Hussein. But
fortunately for him, he was able to pass it all on to President Obama and wash
his hands of the whole affair. “Let’s
make it look like it’s all Obama’s fault,” he drawled, and then giggled his
Roscoe P. Coltrane c-cue c-cue c-cue
giggle. Chortling Motherfucking
Redneck from Maine.
Then Darth Cheney had to ring in:
“Rarely has a US president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many . . .” and as much as we would love that to be something akin to him finally accepting his and Bush’s role in the colossal fuck up that is the Iraq Situation, he was actually saying that about President Obama. Fuck!
Back in ’07 my
niece quoted somebody either from Fox News (unfair and unbalanced) or something
she heard on the Air Bases on which she was raised, or maybe from her Mormon
Pappy and Mammy- you remember the Mormons, right?
Jesus? Or pre-cancer Dan Fogelberg?
Those fascist and racist Nazis that decided
that the priesthood should be extended to the males of African American descent
. . . back in the fucking 70’s! Mighty White of you, Spence (Spencer W.
Kimball, President of the church of jebus christ of latter day saints, to whom
god’s will that black men could be counted as equal to the white men was
revealed. The church prez is the living
prophet, BTW).
Yeah, Yoda here looks like he kept up with the times
Anyway, she said, “There were weapons of mass destruction . . . Saddam
Hussein . . .”
Yeah, great rhetoric.
Great sound bite. Too bad that
killing him was not proposed to congress, and that we don’t assassinate,
anymore. Sure it was an “Iraqi court”
that decided his fate and executed him, and surely America had no influence
over the courts.
Strange how we justify these things in our minds, isn’t it?
24 June 2014
0725 hrs
OK, so I was not able to post yesterday’s material. I was bombarded by my subjects as they
approached me seeking Wisdom, and I had to oblige. It is part of my duties as Lord and Master of
All I Survey to impart profound wisdom and humility.
I was talking about illegal wars and assassinations and stuff, wasn’t
I? Ah, yes. I surely was.
Well here’s another topic I wish to re-discuss: The Death Penalty.
All you stupid motherfuckers out there who believe in the death
penalty ought to be shot. Like how I
worked that irony in?
First of all, the number of states carrying out death sentences is
declining. See the link below.
Does this mean we are becoming a more civilized society? I doubt it.
But at least we are moving in the right direction.
Afghanistan (14),
Bangladesh (1),
Belarus (3+),
China (2000+),
Gambia (9),
India (1),
Iran (314+),
Iraq (129+),
Japan (7),
North Korea (6+),
Pakistan (1),
Palestine (6),
Republic of China (6),
Saudi Arabia (79+),
Somalia (6+),
South Sudan (5+),
Sudan (19+),
UAE (1),
USA (43),
Yemen (28+).
Yay! We're behind Saudi Arabia! and what, four others? But we beat Afghanistan . . . what the FUCK? Afghanistan? We're ahead of Yemen, fa chrissakes? Well, if this is the list of countries with whom you want to be associated when it comes to Capital Punishment, then there you go, Proud American.
States that have the death penalty also have a higher homicide
rate. Hmm. How’s that for your deterrent argument, you
fucking Nazi christian republican fucks?
Texas, the state that carries out the most executions, has one of the
highest murder rates in the country. You
Also, as it turns out, this
is under the umbrella of safety you all claim with your conceal and carry
laws. Way to go you redneck
And I am not talking about
cunnilingus you impotent bastards. As if you know what that means, redneck sister-fucker. Hand
your women over to some liberal cats who will not treat them as rutting-post
second-class citizens.
And since when
did liberal become a pejorative word?
Because we support the Constitution of the United States?
And you stupid religious fucks who want to teach Intelligent Design as
science in our public school . . .
pseudo-science at best, doesn’t carry any empirical evidence, but who gives a
fuck about the scientific method? Unless
you’re one of those kids required to enter a science fair . . . then OK, the
Scientific Method applies, there. Here’s
an actual photo of intelligent design, also known as Creationism, at work:
What else about the death penalty . . . oh yeah . . . it’s fucking
murder, you ignorant imbeciles! How do
we tell society that murder is wrong when we murder murderers? An Eye for An Eye, is what I always
hear. Great Old Testament shit.
But jebus instructed you
boots-of-death-licking, born-out-of-fear idiots to “turn the other cheek.” Now you fucking brain damaged yokels can’t go
around carrying JUST the New Testament (sometimes with the psalms-y’all know of
whom I speak) in your pockets and then spout the Old Testament when it suits
you. What the fuck?
Why do you people suck so hard?
Sure, a majority of you support the death penalty. What does that say about America? Maine, a non-death penalty state, enjoys 1.9
murders for every hundred-thousand folks.
Tennessee? 6, and yes, TN is a death penalty state- why the fuck
else would I compare the two? You
illiterate fucks.
Louisiana? 10.8.
Mass? 1.8. Texas? 4.4. Vermont? 1.3. Yeah, way to go,
death penalty. Thanks for saving lives
as well as raising our youth with morality.
Look How Fun!
So for the rest of us, our tax dollars are going toward you fascists
making us unwilling accomplices to your murders. Don’t you get it? Some of us don’t want to be murderers. How do you think jebus feels? You don’t think he’d be a little upset at
executions? Seeing as how he was
executed himself?
OK, Patient Reader. That’s
enough idiot bashing for today. Thank
the IS that y’all free-thinking geniuses are out there trying to Right the
Terrible Wrongs that seem to permeate this idiot Honey Boo-Boo, Duck Dynasty
racist society we have here in the Best Country in the World. And for all you rednecks out there, I am
taking donations in order to afford to leave this country like most of you, I’m
sure, would love to see. I love America
too much to watch you raze and burn it to the ground. C’mon.
I figure $500, 000 would do it.
Get me way the fuck away from y’all hillbilly, redneck sister-fuckers. C’mon you Liberal, Constitution-loving
Humanists out there, my faithful Patient Readers, let’s fix this fucking place
before it’s too late.
We CAN do it . . . but will we?
(c) Properfessor
(c) Properfessor
Always Your,
Cunning Fennec Fox
Stupendous rant, Fox. Very effective graphics here. I have nothing to add or debate. Merely reflecting your shine, you crazy diamond!