
27 June, 2014

The Sahara, Throes, Freudian Buddhism, Illusions, Crazies, and the Cunning Fennec Fox

26 June 2014
0718 hrs

Good Morning Patient Reader . . .

            Thank you for once again joining me here beneath The Sheltering Sky that is the world of the Cunning Fennec Fox.

            I was actually starting to feel better yesterday, and was pretty sure I was out of the woods regarding this latest, very long bout of depression.  But it’s Baa-aack . . . To quote everyone’s favorite demonic channel-er, Carol-Anne . . .

            I know; nothing original, that.  So ought we press on?  Splendid!

            Still, I was pretty happy that I was happy . . .  About as happy as someone like me can get.  It was more than happiness, I guess; it was relief.  Things were touch and go for a bit; they were dicey . . . they were other synonymous adjectives.

            I am surrounded by the people I mention now and again that are stuck in the mire of inertia.  Some of the behavior I exhibit resembles inertia, too . . .   I suppose.  But I am talking about the cats who are just bogged down by the unhealthy attachments that can be Desire in form.
(c)  Magica 28

            I wonder if Freud wasn’t right a lot of the time . . .  What I mean to say is, maybe some of his theories regarding consciousness might be applicable to the Wisdom of the Buddha . . .  Sure, the dude was a cokehead.  Freud I mean, not Buddha.

            Sure, everything was about psycho-sexual relationships and repression of traumatic memory.  Sure, everything that was longer than wide was a penis.  How many Freudians does it take to change a light bulb?  Two.  One to change the bulb and the other to hold the penis . . . erm . . . ladder.

            But perhaps the Id is our unconscious, Unhealthy Attachment-Desire.  It lies profoundly submerged beneath the surface of consciousness like 90% of the iceberg.  It screams for all and everything here and all and everything now without the benefit of circumspection and foresight.


            The Superego lies atop the Id, yet still submerged beneath the waves of our Consciousness.  Could this Subconscious be representative of our Suffering that is cause by the Id/Desire?

            And of course last but not least, our Ego; the Consciousness and seat of what is hopefully our executive function.  Is this perhaps Compassion, which eases Superego/Suffering and ameliorates the effects and pain of Id/Attachment/Desire?

            What do you think, Patient Reader?  Is the inertia that plagues those close to me- close only because I have allowed them across the moat, if not entirely within the Fortress walls and certainly not into the Keep?

            Can the attachments of desire be this inertia of which I speak and therefore be a tendril of the root of suffering?

            Can one never emerge from long-held inertia; the sufferer unable to climb from the deep rut that is entombing them?  Is this their oubliette?  

            Help me out, Fellow Geniuses, my Faithful and Patient Readers.  Help me to understand.   

              “Learning is finding out what you already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers, teachers ...”
-Richard Bach; Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah

            There is a woman in my life, just a friend, who changes her mind every day.  One day she is all flirty and excited to be out in the world and making friends and expresses an interest in yours truly.  She asks about the other women in my life, also friends, but she does so with the intense interest of a jealous woman, or at least a woman who is interested but . . . pretends not to be.  Y’all know what I am talking about.

            So the very next day she will be all about her ex, and how she needs time to figure out who she is, and I sit there and think, “Well who the fuck is stopping you?”  Of course, it’s pretty fucking flattering to be seen in this light- that of the prospective Next Dude . . .

            You know, the questions of how many kids I want, how I treat women . . . how would I spoil her . . .

            Then she turns around and tells me she needs time after she piques my interest.  Jebus Harold Schmitty on a Rubber Fucking Crutch.  Please, those of you women who are actually Crazy Fucking Bitches . . . Enough of the Games, already!  If you Don’t Know What You Want, then shut the fuck up until you figure it out.  And those are the nice ones of you.  The bad ones, for fuck’s sake . . .  you women, and you know who you are, are simply amateur puppet masters who manipulate our emotions and thoughts and yes, Desires, just to see what it is that you can get us to do.  
 Just how far you can push us.  Oil speculators that raise barrels of crude to $100 per, just to see if you can do it.  (They did it in 2009 or 2010, and as you can see, since the price of oil [Brent] today is $113.35/bbl).  But y’all do that shit with our hearts; you fuck and fuck with us.

            Some of you think it’s right.  That there is some inherent female behavior that says, “Well, I am a woman and this is what we do all coy and blah blah FUCKING blah . . .” C’mon.  You know y’all don’t let us get away with that shit.  I know that this behavior is not limited to the beautiful gender; we ugly assholes do it, too.

            It’s the hypocrisy, once again, Patient Reader, that is abhorrent on the behavior.  Remember I believe that there is no Good and Evil, only behavior.  We simply cannot object to behavior thrust upon us when it is the same behavior we thrust on others.  Either keep fucking around and own your own assholery, or stop being a fucking asshole.  Grow up already.  Sports are for Grown-Ups.  Games like that are for children. 

Is this all I have to say today?  Holy Shit, a jotted note compared to my brevity-impaired theses.

So, shall I leave you to it?  Splendid!
Always I remain,

The Cunning Fennec Fox

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