
07 August, 2014

Nineveh, Tiglath Pileser, Genocide,and the Cunning Fennec Fox

7 August 2014
0744 hrs

(c)  Properfessor

Good Morning, Patient Reader

            Forgive me my tardiness in getting started on today’s blog . . .  I had some homework to do; a poem I had to write for Human Sexuality.  It is due in a couple of hours, but I had been ruminating, thinking, not chewing, 

over it for a couple of days now, and simply had to get it typed and submitted.  Yay, me.

            So I see that the Iraqi Muslims are going after Iraqi christians over there in what is called the Nineveh Valley.  If you recall your Old Testament, Patient Reader, Nineveh was known in ancient times as the largest city in the world and part of the Assyrian Empire.  

            Parts of Nineveh date back to 5000 BCE, which is a long-ass time ago . . . I don’t care who you are . . .

            Several cities in Assyria were thriving by the time 2500 BCE rolled around, and this is in the region known as the Fertile Crescent; the Cradle of Civilization.  Pretty fucking awesome, from an historical aspect. 

            The code of Hammurabi came from this region (ca. 1800 BCE).

            Tiglath Pileser, who established the Second Assyrian Empire, hailed from the region.  He is named in the biblical books 2 Kings and 1 Chronicles.  He is almost certainly Pul, who is also mentioned in the bible, ruling from 745 to 727 BCE, when, upon his death, Shalmaneser IV took over the reins of the reign.

            Assyria was conquered by several other civilizations, including the Medes, Scythians, and Babylonians.  The Persians suppressed an uprising, and castrated over 400 members of Assyrian Royalty.  Ouch.

            My point is, we are a species hell-bent on destruction.  

So, am I making my point?

The best way to wholly conquer another civilization is the Scorched Earth Policy, which includes obliterating their culture and history.  Destroying their art, their historical records, stelae, etc.  It is what we DO.  It is how we ARE.  It is sad and unfortunate, but this happened as recently as the looting of the museums in Baghdad during Bush War II and is happening now, to this day.  

Remember back in the 2001, Patient Reader, when the Taliban destroyed the giant Buddha statues in Afghanistan?

            They survived tank and anti-aircraft ordnance only to be destroyed by drilled holes filled with dynamite.  The same tactics used in the nineteenth century to build American railroads.  Ain’t technology great?

            So now Xians are fleeing in droves trying to escape the persecution of those who believe in the very same god as themselves.  

Thanks to religion, we will never see my Dream of a Star-Trek society.  

OK, so some of that was BSG . . .

As long as we believe in a vengeful god assigning his own divine borders to land that has been here for a billion years before the sad evolution of we “advanced” primates, we will go on killing in His name and just keep fucking over the world, and the possibility of our advancement as a society. 

            So let’s just keep on killing each other, I mean, why the fuck not?  Eventually we will run out of Others and start on Ourselves, and hopefully we can rid this fragile and beautiful planet of the Terrible Us.  What a wonderful day that will be.  We will finally save the planet from slow death and allow her to heal from our wounding of her.  We can save the planet only if we destroy ourselves . . . how fitting.

            A few years back, I overheard two xians arguing.  One of them is of Native American descent, while the other was bred of European Protestant stock.  The White Guy was saying that we can strip the world of all its resources and do so freely and catastrophically, because according to the bible, god himself is the only one who can destroy the earth.  Awesome, but true, it does say that in the bible.

            This outraged the Native American, as he came from a people that conserved resources and used every part of everything they killed.  White Guy advocated strip mining for everything from coal to precious stones.  Funny thing is, the discussion began with the both of them trying to convince me that the atheistic humanism to which I subscribe is rife with sin and fault and unreasonable thinking.  When the 1500 denominations of you xians get your stories straight, I told them, THEN you can come to me and try preaching again.

            Another xian, after months of trying to persuade me to attend just one  meeting with him, caught me in a weary moment and I agreed to got the following Sunday.

            God, he said to me, told me to bring you to this meeting in particular . . .

            Hmm.  I was intrigued.  He is a member of a church that is non-denominational in nature, inviting sermons from all kinds of folks from all walks of life, that is, as long as the believe in the Old Bearded Man in the Sky Who (rarely) Grants Wishes.  Fuck, I need to come up with a shorter name for this Magician.  Hey!

            So I go to this service, and it starts out pretty hum-drum.  OK, the Russian Boys’ Choir was a nice touch, I mean, who doesn’t like mellow chorale music, even if it was xian music?  

It’s not like I speak Russian, anyway.  

They could have been doing their own rendition of War Pigs, for all I know.  Satan, laughing, Spreads His Wings . . . oh Lord, yeah!

            Then suddenly there was this dude that looked like he came from the local mission.  At first I thought he was getting up to wave his arms in praise of the Son of Man.  That he was rising from his seat to be healed, braise cheeses, or raise jebus, or whatever the fuck.  Imagine my surprise when it turned out that he was the one who was to lead the worship on this day.

            Now, I am no judge.  

It was not his appearance that surprised me.  It was simply the fact that he was unwashed and unkempt and wore rags and what-not.  Atypical of the modern xian image, but very typical of the christ.  I was even more intrigued at this point. 

            Then came the Hallelujahs, for which I don’t really care.   That and the Amens that tend to permeate these proceedings.  They were soon to follow.  Then I could see that Preacher was trying to rile everyone into this religious sort of frenzy, 

whipping them into a froth.  It was beginning to work on them, the Sheeple. 

            It became intolerable when he started to do the whole faith-healing bit.  Yeah, the whole deal where he pushes on the forehead of the afflicted with the flat of his palm and said sufferer falls backwards into the arms of the zealots, praising and witnessing and nauseating.  

The only thing missing was the appearance of the rattlesnakes.  Vibora!

            At this point, my xian friend made eye contact with me, and I could read the apology on his face.  Later he said to me, I am going to ask the lord why he wanted me to bring you to this particular service.  My friend knew that the worst type of worship service he could have brought me to was this one.  He knew that I was not enfolded into the flock.  He knew that I had moved many more miles away from his god after I left that chapel, which was pretty much in the middle of the service.  I mean, there is only so much bullshit to which one can be exposed before the smell overpowers, right?  I had truly reached my limit.  I mean, c’mon.

            I came to find out that after I left (for my friend thought it would be rude if he were to leave before the service ended), there was a segment in which Speaking in Tongues reared its ugly head.  Imagine the din, nay, the cacophony, of English and Russian-speakers devolving into the whole babbling bit.  Jesus Fucking Harold Christ on a Rubber Fucking Crutch.

            How is it we devolve into these
 beings, with this type of thought?  That we speak of a god of mercy and of infinite light and love and brotherhood, when we just turn around and shoot our neighbors in the face after we rape his wife and daughters?  

How the fuck does that make sense to you?  I don’t mean YOU, Patient Reader.  Of course you are not subject to the crazed Mob-Mentality that afflicts the Neo-Fascist Zealot or Fox News Watcher.  Go Glenn Beck!  

Oh yeah . . . he did go . . .  Imagine how fucked up you are if even Fox News thinks you’re just too fucking out there!  Again, Jesus Fucking Harold Christ on a Rubber Fucking Crutch.

            So all of the Middle East (still, I mean, it’s only been 10 millennia) is ripping itself apart and here is greedy corporate America hawking the landscape for weaknesses, ready to stride upon the battlefield after the dust settles, temporarily of course, and bayonet the wounded. 

            As Mason Verger said, “When the rabbit screams the fox comes a-running . . . but not to help . . .”

            All of that conflict keeps oil prices low.  It keeps the xians here at home afraid of the Muslims, because fear keeps us all in check.  It keeps Texas in guns and god and killing gays.  Read the bible, you fucking FAG!  Right, christians?  You fucking pieces of shit.  Except for you xians of the CFFer/Patient Reader variety, of course.  You are the moderates who love and are not hypocrites and who believe in helping mankind in your own moderate way.  Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherent the earth.  Are there any out there who agree with me?  A few?  Splendid!
            So I leave you all to your day.  I wish you peace and understanding.  Compassion, for yourselves to receive and give freely.  I hope for enlightenment for us all, even though I know it won’t happen.  I will work on enlightenment for myself first, at least to the point where I can be the Bodhisattva of Wisdom, or that of Compassion.  I wish for all of us, every one of us on the planet, to heal from our wounds, and to lose the ability to inflict new ones on ourselves and on others.  Let’s go, people.  Let’s get it right.  Let’s fix IT.  We can do it.  We should do it.  We have to do it. 

We won’t do it.

So, always I remain,

The Cunning Fennec Fox

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