
03 January, 2015

Melancholia, Krampus, Photography, War Dead, Dead Children, Dead Chinese, Brain-Dead Newscasters, Dead Passengers, Rednecks, Nazis and Republicans, and the Cunning Fennec Fox

1 January 2015
1540 hrs

            Well!  Sorry for these protracted delays, Patient Reader. Things have been hectic both within and without the old noggin as of late. I have some partial rants that are listed below; it just seems that I can't find the time, energy, and flat-out wherewithal to complete any sort of train of . . .

(c) Properfessor

            That being said, I must confess to a Grand Melancholy that has seemingly firmly ensconced itself deep within me.  It's simply something that happens, as you well know, Patient Reader, several times a year.  It ALWAYS happens during what you call “The Holidays.”

            I have lost touch with my remaining family, as you may well know, and that pretty much sucks ass.

            It's true that I used to have a darker side much larger and more powerful than it is now. I don't really know if it is the fact that I have mellowed out over the years or just got tired of being that me . . . Maybe it was a combination of both, or even something else entirely.


            Whatever the reason, I managed to somehow alienate everyone that was in my former life.

            That being also said, I realize that it takes two, and if the shoes were on the other feet, I would like to think that I wouldn't have ever abandoned them.

            Mean as my Dad was, and had my mom not gotten very ill, I believe they would have stood behind me no matter what.

            I have had the dubious privilege to bear witness to many wrongs, and have been in the company of those who have perpetrated them.

            Is it that I have become inured to the ugliness that permeates this world?  I certainly believe that I am this Jaded Cynic you read before you because of this aforementioned jaded-ness.

            And yet I can see my past and miss it . . . Not the violent and crazy bum that left a wake of detritus behind him, but the close-knit family a bunch becomes when they grow up in the military.

            We were all we had, they and I, and it is during lows such as these where I grieve the most for the terrible loss.

            Ok, enough autobio boo hoo, here.

            Have you all been to the new Fennec Fox Photography blog, yet?  It's called Fennec Fox Photography, originally enough, and can be accessed by going to 

            And there is a link to it down there in the left nav bar. Check it out.  I place only original copyrighted photos taken by Yours Truly, and I promise no bitching OR moaning will be posted therein.

            You are still able to comment, compare, and contrast as you see fit, and I hope you see fit.  And Enjoy.

            So what the fuck is going on around here, anyway?

            This cooling rock revolving around a barely-significant white, middle-aged star, floating through the vacuum of space  on some nearly-obsolete outer arm of a medium-sized spiral galaxy?

            Plenty, I say. Plenty.

Por ejemplo . . .

             We have a war in the ancient country of Syria that has taken over 76,000 lives in 2014 alone.  It is said that each month, Jihadists killed around 5k, give or take. Hmm. Lessee:
5000/mo = roughly 167 folks per day, which is about 7 people an hour, or you know, or someone's loved one every 8 ½ minutes.  Yep, every 510 seconds they're whacking some poor bastard.  Yay, humans!

            Because we all know that after the truth, innocent civilians are the first casualty of war.

            36 people were crushed to death on New Year’s Eve and 47 were injured in Shanghai . . . They should have stuck to the Chinese New Year instead of the Gregorian calendar.

            President Xi Jinping orders an investigation into the incident. Surely their report will be fair and balanced, you know, like Fox News. Please don't confuse Fox News with the Cunning Fennec Fox News . . . That would just suck.

            New Year’s Day has officially been cancelled in China.  Someone throwing fake money from a nightclub window may have caused the fracas. Jesus Harold Christ on a Rubber Fucking Crutch.

            When they find the perp, or a reasonable facsimile thereof, he will definitely be drawn and quartered.

            And what the fuck is going on with airplanes in South Asia?   On 8 March, Malaysia Airlines lost a plane whilst on route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.  To date, there have been no signs of the plane or its occupants.

            Then a Malaysia Airlines flight “crashes” in Ukraine (after being shot down) on 17 July.  298 folks, there.

            A Taiwanese plane and a TransAsia Airways plane both go down on 23 July.  102 lost in those two.

            Then on 28 December, an AirAsia flight from Indonesia to Singapore dropped into the sea where 162 passengers and crew were presumably killed. 

            Jesus. Travel Asia by sea where the only worries revolve around pirates. Arrr!

            Oh well. Indonesians are almost all Muslim, anyway . . . That should make the Republican sister-fuckers jump for joy.  Jesus loves it when Muslims die, right?   You racist fucks.  Isn't there a sheep out there you need to blow?  Stop reading and get out there, you miserable douchebags.

           Whoa. Where did THAT come from?  Oh yeah. Honesty.

            Think I'm too harsh?  You don't see any Democrats being invited to give speeches to neo-Nazi dipshit motherfuckers. (Look up Steve Scalise, now the third-ranking Repub in the House of Representatives.

            You assholes tell women they're only worth 67% of men, and then you bump up this piece of shit. Good job going after the minority vote!

            So let's come back to other news in  North America, shall we?  Splendid!

            Republican glans penii Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, both of Florida politics, are considering presidential bids.  Holy fuck.  Need I say more?

            So ok. That's enough for now. I have to fix supper.  Below are some more observations I made back on the 22nd and even earlier. 

            Don't worry, Patient Reader; I've got plenty more to say.  I'll be back. And soon. 

Always I remain,

The Cunning Fennec Fox

22 December 2014
0343 hrs

            Well.  Whadda Ya know.  Pakistan, in response to the schoolhouse killings of last week and discussed at relative length in my last post, the Pakistani government saw fit to halt the moratorium on the death penalty. That's right. Like many states in the U.S., the gov’t of Pakistan decided that murder is so atrocious, so abhorrent, that it should be met with state-sanctioned murder.


            Let's show those fuckers!  Let's get rapists, too!  You know- tie ‘em to a tree and fuck ‘em up the ass and jerk them off . . . Well show them what we do to perverts around here!

            I dunno what's worse; them reinstating the death penalty, or the fact that they were so much more evolved than the American Criminal Justice System that they did not have the death penalty for even a short while, there.

            Which one pisses you off more, Patient Reader?

Jebus Fugging Cripes, I say.

            Anyway, they've executed 6 capital cases since the moratorium ended.  They supposedly have several “facilitators” in custody . . . Whether or not they were involved remains to be seen, and I strongly desire to see the due process before they're executed within hours. Could happen, right?

            Oh, and the number of dead children is now at 132. That's fucking awesome.

            So again I am right (my humility is, as ever, excellent), about the things I said in my last blog- oh, I haven't said it recently but it still remains fact: I may not always be right, but I am NEVER wrong . . .

            And that whole thing about I Told You So . . . Well . . . I don't say that and I don't like people who do.

            But I fucking told you so.

            This is what we do, we, the most highly evolved species on the planet: we kill because it makes us feel better.

            Prove me wrong, motherfuckers!  Please!

            Oh. And more attacks are in various stages of planning.   Jesus. What a surprise.

Always I remain,

The Cunning Fennec Fox

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